Shipping Information
Destination: | Fee: |
USA / Canada / Mexico / Brazil / Argentina / Barbados / Curacao | € 36 |
Belgium / Luxembourg / Germany / UK / France / Italy / Austria / Denmark / Finland / (Northern) Ireland / Spain / Sweden | € 18 |
Indonesia / Japan / South Korea / Malaysia / Singapore / Taiwan / Thailand | € 36 |
Switzerland / Monaco / Hungary / Romania / Czech republic / Canary Islands / Poland / Croatia | € 26 |
UAE / Hong Kong / India / Israel / Jordan / Kuwait / Lebanon / New Zealand / Saudi Arabia / Australia | € 36 |
The Netherlands | € 7 |
The above list indicates which countries we ship to. Delivery outside the EU may be subject to local import taxes, which are the client’s responsibility where they apply. If so, the shipping company will either contact you by telephone or letter, once your items are in customs to let you know the cost, delaying your delivery time as goods held at customs.
The delivery schedule is based on the first working day from processing. All orders placed before 11am will have that day included as a working day. All orders placed after this time, the first working day will be classified as the next day after the order is placed.
First-time orders can only be shipped to the cardholder’s billing address, in relation to your security. Clients may also be subjected to standard fraud prevention checks.
All orders are shipped via DHL between 1 - 2 days of time of order. A signature will be required upon receipt of the goods, if there is no-one available to accept the parcel a calling card will be left for you to re-arrange delivery.
Please be aware that we are unable to deliver to post office boxes.
Alternatively the courier service will require payment of import or customs duties upon delivery. It will be your responsibility to pay the necessary charges for local authorities to release the goods. Please be aware that if you don’t choose to pay the import taxes we reserve the right to charge any additional costs incurred by SOEBEDAR to you.
If you have any questions regarding shipping, please send an email to